Storage Tips

Package everything in boxes
Loose items in a self storage unit can get messy and disorganized. Cardboard boxes allow for storing like items in a neat and organized fashion and stack easily allowing you to maximize space. Fit more items in your unit and easy label the outside of the boxes with permanent markers to make locating your items easy in the future.
Get the right boxes
The temptation to get large boxes to fit more items in and require fewer trips to your vehicle might make sense on the surface but big boxes tend to get heavy and bottoms of these boxes can break open more easily causing a headache. Pack smaller and specific, small boxes that match specific drawers or cabinets will make unpacking much easier.
Tall and heavy first
Pack your taller and heavier items first in your unit. You’ll want to keep these items near the back so they’re not in the way of your boxes. You will know where they’re at and it’s a lot easier moving smaller boxes should you need to get to these items compared to having to always shift your heavy items to get to boxes in the back.
Plan ahead
Use your storage space wisely. Place items you are most likely going to need access to often in the front of your unit and items such as furniture nearer the back of your unit.
Save your back and get a dolly
Your back will thank you. It releaves stress on the body, cuts down moving time, and just makes for a much more pleasant moving experience.
Wrap your fragile items
Items such as glasses and dishes should always be wrapped in paper and then packed in appropriate boxes. These fragile items should be stacked on the top of stacks keeping them safe. Be sure to mark these fragile boxes as well so they stand out.
Compile your team
Moving into your unit is going to take time. The more hands the quicker it goes. Compile a team of movers, friends, family whomever you can get to make the move easier. We’ve found pizza and soda to be great motivators.
Cover Mattresses
Clean and cover your mattresses with polyethelene plastic.
Create a Path
When organizing your unit try to allow for a path to the back. While you should place the more frequently needed items to the front of your unit it’s also helpful to plan ahead and create a narrow walkway to the rear allowing for easier access.
Label and Tape your Boxes
The easiest way to quickly scan and grab the right box is to label the contents on the sides and top of every box. Taping with a durable packing tape will help prevent dust from getting into your belongings.
Pack Rooms Together
Along with labeling your boxes it’s easier to navigate and then locate items if similar boxes are packed together in your storage unit.
Use Furniture Storage Wisely
Storing a dresser? Use the drawer space by wrapping and then storing smaller more fragile items within. This will help secure those items and maximize the space in your storage unit. Packing a table? If possible remove the legs and store on it’s side
Create a Packing/Inventory List
Listen, we get it – recalling if you packed away that one item into storage can be tricky. Creating an inventory list will allow you to quickly scan and see if your item is in storage will help prevent an extra trip to your unit.